1 AB 2015-2016

1 AB 2015-2016

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

With a Little Help from my Friends by The Beatles

 "With A Little Help From My Friends"

Billy Shears

What would you think if I sang out of tune
Would you stand up and walk out on me?
Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song
And I'll try not to sing out of key
Oh I get by with a little help from my friends
Mm I get high with a little help from my friends
Mm gonna try with a little help from my friends

What do I do when my love is away?
(Does it worry you to be alone?)
How do I feel by the end of the day?
(Are you sad because you're on your own?)
No I get by with a little help from my friends
Mm I get high with a little help from my friends
Mm gonna try with a little help from my friends

(Do you need anybody?)
I need somebody to love
(Could it be anybody?)
I want somebody to love

(Would you believe in a love at first sight?)
Yes I'm certain that it happens all the time
(What do you see when you turn out the light?)
I can't tell you, but I know it's mine
Oh I get by with a little help from my friends
Mm I get high with a little help from my friends
Oh I'm gonna try with a little help from my friends

(Do you need anybody?)
I just need someone to love
(Could it be anybody?)
I want somebody to love

Oh I get by with a little help from my friends
Mm gonna try with a little help from my friends
Oh I get high with a little help from my friends
Yes I get by with a little help from my friends
With a little help from my friends

Simple Past: Regular Verbs




Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Oral Presentations (beginning 12th May)

To prepare your oral presentation:
1.- You must choose a picture of yourself and other people. It can be a family photograph or a sporting or school event but not a studio photo!
The picture MUST include objects, people and interaction.
2.- Speak to the rest of the class about the photo:
2.1.-  Introduce the people in the picture:
Name: This is .......
Age:  He/She is ............. (years old).
Relation to you: He/she is my... (brother, mother, friend, neighbour, teacher...)
Short Description ( appearance and personality, occupation, likes and hobbies)
2.2.- Describe the rest of the picture:
Where are you? in the park, at home...
What is the weather like?  It's sunny and hot (because it's the summer holiday)...
What are you wearing? We are wearing ...
What are you doing? We are ...ing and ...ing.
REMEMBER!!! You MUSTN'T read or recite what you learned by heart (de memoria). You can use notes like this one.
Your classmates can ask you questions about your photo when you finish!
That's it!!! Easy, right?

Personal Pronouns

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Teamwork: writing a screenplay

Teamwork: writing a screenplay

Let's make a short film in English!!
In teams, you must write a script and then film it!!
This is how you write a script (guión): 

Friday, April 15, 2016


The following is the list of aDJECTIVES SEEN IN CLASS:

Wide  / narrow

handsome, beautiful , pretty , attractive , good-looking / UGLY

lazy / hardworking

serious / funny

clever , intelligent, WISE / silly , stupid

soft / hard

good / bad, NASTY

hard, difficult / easy

heavy / light

loud / soft

expensive / cheap

dirty / clean

hot / cold











Wednesday, March 30, 2016



Adverbs of Place

Adverbs of Place tell us the place where something happens. They answer the question "where?". Adverbs of Place mainly modify verbs.
  • Please sit here. (Where should I sit?)
  • They looked everywhere. (Where did they look?)
  • Two cars were parked outside. (Where were two cars parked?)

Adverbs of Time

  • Adverbs of Time tell us something about the time that something happens. Adverbs of Time mainly modify verbs.
    They can answer the question "when?":
    • He came yesterday. (When did he come?)
    • I want it now. (When do I want it?)
    Or they can answer the question "how often?" (frequency):
    • They deliver the newspaper daily. (How often do they deliver the newspaper?)
    • We sometimes watch a movie. (How often do we watch a movie?)

Adverbs of Manner

Adverbs of Manner tell us the manner or way in which something happens. They answer the question "how?". Adverbs of Manner mainly modify verbs.
  • He speaks slowly. (How does he speak?)
  • They helped us cheerfully. (How did they help us?)
  • James Bond drives his cars fast. (How does James Bond drive his cars?)

Adverbs of Degree

Adverbs of Degree tell us the degree or extent to which something happens. They answer the question "how much?" or "to what degree?". Adverbs of Degree can modify verbs, adjectives and other adverbs.
  • She entirely agrees with him. (How much does she agree with him?)
  • Mary is very beautiful. (To what degree is Mary beautiful? How beautiful is Mary?)
  • He drove quite dangerously. (To what degree did he drive dangerously? How dangerously did he drive?)


Adverbs of manner -1
Adverbs of manner -2
Adverbs of manner -3

Good or well?
Adjective or adverb? -1
Adjective or adverb? -2

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Free Time Activities

What do you like doing in your free time?

Talking about your free time

What do British people like doing at the weekends?


Sports and Games: Play, do or go?

Some tips for using Play, Go or Do with sports and games:

we play any team game, ball game or board game (including chess)

Play = requires minimum 2 people
Go + ing= individual outdoors sport
Do= exercise in a gym

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Present Continuous

Practice the Present Continuous with scenes from TV shows

Fool's garden Lemon Tree

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Present Continuous

We use it for things that are happening at the moment of speaking.
  • I'm working at the moment.
  • Please call back as– we are eating dinner now.
  • Julie is sleeping.
  • You are studying the present continuous.
We can also use this tense for temporary situations, when we feel something won't continue for a long time.
  • She's staying with her friend this week.
  • I'm living in London for a few months this year.
  • John's working in a bar until he finds a job in his field.
  • I'm reading a really great book.

Two songs in present continuous. Enjoy!!

Now practice on-line!

The -ing form of the verbs