1 AB 2015-2016

1 AB 2015-2016

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Oral Presentations (beginning 12th May)

To prepare your oral presentation:
1.- You must choose a picture of yourself and other people. It can be a family photograph or a sporting or school event but not a studio photo!
The picture MUST include objects, people and interaction.
2.- Speak to the rest of the class about the photo:
2.1.-  Introduce the people in the picture:
Name: This is .......
Age:  He/She is ............. (years old).
Relation to you: He/she is my... (brother, mother, friend, neighbour, teacher...)
Short Description ( appearance and personality, occupation, likes and hobbies)
2.2.- Describe the rest of the picture:
Where are you? in the park, at home...
What is the weather like?  It's sunny and hot (because it's the summer holiday)...
What are you wearing? We are wearing ...
What are you doing? We are ...ing and ...ing.
REMEMBER!!! You MUSTN'T read or recite what you learned by heart (de memoria). You can use notes like this one.
Your classmates can ask you questions about your photo when you finish!
That's it!!! Easy, right?

Personal Pronouns